Electoral Board Certification Officially Starts in NCR

In light of the upcoming National and Local Elections (NLE) in May 2022, the DOST Electoral Board (EB) Certifiers in the National Capital Region kicked off the certification process held simultaneously in different venues in Metro Manila on 12 March 2022.

The team administered proficiency tests to the EBs under a two-part certification process: the online theoretical examination, which is composed of multiple-choice questions, and the practical (hands-on) examination on the proper use and operation of Vote Counting Machines (VCMs).

The theoretical examination, which was done using pen and paper before, is now administered online using the DOST-NCR-developed EB Certification Portal. The automation of the theoretical examination is DOST’s response to the call for the observance of minimum health protocols imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The certification is conducted pursuant to Republic Act 9369 or the Amended Automated Election Law, which mandates the DOST to certify EB members during the National and Local Elections (NLE).

A total of 21,076 teachers endorsed by the Department of Education-NCR will undergo the EB Certification process until April 2.

By: Shaira P. Rapisora, SCCU

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