DOST-NCR’s Food Safety Initiatives Continue to Benefit MSMEs in Metro Manila

Pursuant to the Republic Act (RA) 10611 or the Food Safety Act of 2013 that aims to strengthen the food safety regulatory system of the state to protect consumers’ health, the DOST-National Capital Region (DOST-NCR) continues its initiatives on enhancing the capability of food businesses through science, technology, and innovation trainings.
On 29-31 March 2022, the DOST-NCR’s Pasig, Mandaluyong, Marikina, and San Juan (PAMAMARISAN) Clustered Area Science and Technology Center (CASTC) conducted a three-day webinar series on Food Safety, Good Manufacturing Practices, Food Packaging and Labelling, and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures.
Among others, the webinar series is aimed at sharing technical know-how on clean work environment and safe food preparation. A total of 88 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Metro Manila and other regions attended the activity.
Moreover, fourteen (14) production and administrative employees of Naturearth Corporation participated in the training on Food Safety and Good Manufacturing Practices conducted on 08 April 2022 in Mandaluyong City.
Naturearth Corp., which is known for its malunggay-based food products, has been a beneficiary of the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program since 2015.
The activity was facilitated by PAMAMARISAN CASTC staff, Ms. Rose Ann Fernandez, while Ms. Aira Madeleine Recio and Food Safety Team member, Mr. Albei Keith Tolete served as speakers during the on-site training.
These initiatives are expected to help the food business sector on safe food handling and prevent risks of food poisoning and at the same time, safeguard the health of individual consumers.
By: Shaira P. Rapisora, SCCU