DOST-NCR starts off Y2021 clean, big 5S implemented on first week of the year
The dawn of a new year can’t come soon enough given how the past year has gone. The turn of the calendar brings both the opportunity to reflect on the last 12 months that have passed and the chance to…
DOST’s iFWD PH Provides Hope to OFWs Amid the Challenges of the Global Pandemic
Innovations Moving OFWs ForwardIn a policy brief authored by a top Philippine university, about 300,000 to 400,000 OFWs are estimated to be affected by the pandemic, from cuts to layoffs in employment to eventual repatriation. As of 6 May 2020,…
DOST-NCR Addresses the Need of Assistance for Education in the Metro through DOST Courseware
“Our education system needed a 180-degree shift. Under the new normal brought about by the pandemic, institutions had to explore ways to bridge potential learning gaps in the blended (non-face to face) modes of teaching and communicating information,” said Jose…
DOST-NCR Leads the Release of iFWD to Assist Repatriated OFWs As They Head Back to the Philippines
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) introduced a new project entitled “iFWD PH: Innovations for Filipinos Working Distantly from the Philippines” developed to aid in the livelihood of repatriated OFWs as they opt to stay in the Philippines. The…
4th Inventondo Launched
Manila, Philippines = On 27 February 2020, Thursday, Tondo High School held its 4th annual Manila Young Inventors Forum, Expo and Trade Fair entitled “INVENTONDO 2020” with the theme, “Nurturing Intellectual Capital Towards Driving the Etrepreneurial Spirit of the Community.”…