The Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act No. 9710) defines Gender and Development Program (GAD) as the development perspective and process that is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human potentials. It seeks to achieve gender equality as a fundamental value that should be reflected in development choices and contends that women are active agents of development, not just passive recipients of development.

GAD focuses on Gender Mainstreaming or a strategy for:

  • Making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies, programs and projects in all social, political, civil, and economic spheres so that women and men benefit equally; and
  • Assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs in all areas and at all levels.

The implementation of GAD in government agencies, including GOCCs, finds basis in various laws and Presidential issuances.

Gender and Development (GAD) Relevant Laws & Issuances

RA 9262 â€“ an act defining violence against women and their children, providing for protective measures for victims, prescribing penalties therefore, and for other purposes

RA 11313 â€“ an act defining gender-based sexual harassment in streets, public spaces, online, workspaces, and educational or training institutions, providing protective measures and prescribing penalties therefor

RA 7877 â€“ an act declaring sexual harassment unlawful in the unemployment, education or training environment

RA 8353 â€“ an act expanding the definition of the crime of rape, reclassifying the same as a crime against persons

RA 116481 â€“ an act promoting for stronger protection against rape and sexual exploitation and abuse, increasing the age for determining the commission of statutory rape

PCW M.C. 2023-04 â€“ Use of maiden name in bank and financial transactions.

DOST-NCR GAD Accomplishments

DOST-NCR End Violence Against Women (VAW) Campaign

Featured Videos

DOST-NCR “#BabaeAko” mindtheGAP Video Campaign

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