DOST-NCR Joins Stakeholders Consultation for Metals Industry Consultancy Services

The DOST-National Capital Region participated in the stakeholders meeting on the project “Strengthening the S&T Consultancy Services in the National Capital Region through Capacity-Building on Metals and Engineering” held last 04 February 2022 at the DOST-Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC) Gold Building.
The stakeholders meeting and ocular visit sought to inform and update the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) cooperators and partners from state universities and colleges (SUCs) on the project’s events and the DOST-MIRDC’s facilities, which can be useful in identifying trainings applicable to manpower development.
The project team members from the DOST-MIRDC facilitated the activity wherein they tackled the project’s background and the agency’s facilities including its analysis and testing services. A representative from the DOST-MIRDC’s Technology Diffusion Division (TDD) also toured the group at the Advanced Mechatronics, Robotics, and Industrial Automation Laboratory (AMERIAL) and Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMCen) among others.
Some of the DOST-NCR’s beneficiaries and other stakeholders included Outboxed Solutions Inc., Metalflex Corporation, Shui Carbon Industrial, Morris Motor Parts and Services, Manna Shameyn Enterprises, University of the East (UE), Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC), and Rizal Technological University (RTU). Also present during the activity were the DOST-NCR’s Cluster Directors and personnel who facilitate the conduct of Technology Needs Assessment (TNA).
The DOST-NCR collaborated with the DOST-MIRDC in conceptualizing the project. Selected personnel from the DOST-NCR’s Clustered Area Science and Technology Centers (CASTCs) and their SETUP beneficiaries from the Metals and Engineering Sector were encouraged to participate in a series of technical trainings and immersions focusing on relevant engineering and metals technology know-how to improve the product quality and services of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
By: Angeli Gerone R. Platino, Training Unit