DOST-NCR Brings Inclusive Food S&T for the Female PDLs of Las Piñas City Jail

As part of DOST-NCR’s Science Beyond Borders Campaign, the DOST NCR MUNTAPARLAS Clustered Area Science and Technology Office (CASTO) conducted a training program on Food Safety Hazards and Good Manufacturing Practices for 21 Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) and Jail Officers from the Las Piñas City Jail Female Dormitory (LPCJ-FD) on November 29, 2024, at the Las Piñas City Hall.
The training provided participants with crucial knowledge on proper food handling, focusing on food safety compliance to prevent harm to consumers. It also highlighted best practices in manufacturing that are essential for ensuring product quality and safety.
This initiative aligns with the goals of the Science Beyond Borders Campaign, which seeks to disseminate scientific knowledge, technologies, and innovations beyond various boundaries—geographical, sectoral, and disciplinary. Through this campaign, DOST-NCR emphasizes collaboration with stakeholders such as local government units, communities, educational institutions, and industries to achieve a broader social and economic impact.
This activity is also a significant component of DOST-NCR’s broader strategies to support the livelihood of women PDLs, particularly through its “Jail Bakery” Livelihood Program. By equipping participants with technical expertise in food safety and manufacturing practices, the project aims to empower women PDLs with valuable skills that can serve as a sustainable source of income after their stay at LPCJ-FD. It prepares them for successful reintegration into society by providing practical, marketable knowledge they can use to rebuild their lives.
This initiative reflects DOST-NCR’s commitment to using science, technology, and innovation as tools for social empowerment and development by breaking barriers and creating opportunities for underserved communities.