Battle of the Brains: Pasay City SDO Hosts Scien-Terrific Combat
Dubbed as a “Scien-Terrific Combat”, Schools Division Office of Pasay City partnered with the DOST-NCR PAMAMAZON (Pasay, Makati, Manila, Quezon City) Clustered Area Science and Technology Office (CASTO) as it staged its 2023 Division Science and Technology Fair on June 10, 2023 at the Andres Bonifacio Elementary School in Leveriza, Pasay City anchored on the theme “Global Science for Global Well-being”.
In her video message, DOST-NCR Regional Director Engr. Romelen T. Tresvalles emphasized the importance of embracing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, as equally important in developing their analytical and thinking skills.
The annual celebration of the Division Science and Technology Fair seeks to encourages students to apply their science and mathematics thinking skills to solve problems of local, national, and global significance including those related to disaster preparedness, food security, health and nutrition, and environmental protection. Through hands-on-mind-on activities and interactive challenges, the Fair also aims to foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities among the students.
The competition proper encompassed a range of categories, with separate contests for grade school and high school students.
Dr. Elvin Almazar and Engr. Rogelio Prospero, former heads of the DOST-NCR’s Technical Consultancy Services and Food Safety Unit, respectively, served as judges during the hands-on-minds-on activities and the on-site proposal writing segment of the fair.
By: Ken Handler Soledad, TOD-PAMAMAZON CASTO